Local storage

Your home directory

  • Location: /home/$username/
  • Backed up: Yes

Your home directory is stored on the computer’s local drive. This data is backed up every day - see Backups for details. You are not limited by a quota but the /home partition/drive is only 50GB in size. If you expect your computer to be used by multiple people please be considerate and don’t use all the space on the partition.

You can check the usage of the drive in Desktop Manager

Local scratch space

  • Location: /local/scratch/$username/
  • Backed up: No

If you need space for large amounts of data you should store this within your local scratch space. This space is however not backed up, so don’t store anything important there!

The scratch space is stored within the /local partition, thus this is only limited by the size of the drive within your computer.

You can check the usage of the drive in Desktop Manager

Other locations

Some computers have multiple drives installed, in which case an iSolutions technician will have set up the second drive at /data. Directories are not automatically created within this location. Any data stored there is not backed up.